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发表于 2010-12-28 09:38:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 | 来自广西
欢迎您来到钦州市,为了您的旅途顺利,请留心阅读如下须知: 一、外国人入境后,须按规定办理住宿登记: 1.在旅馆住宿的,按照旅馆业治安管理规定办理住宿登记; 2.在城镇的旅馆以外场所住宿的,留宿人或住宿人须于抵达住宿地24小时内向住宿地公安派出所申报住宿登记;在农村的,须于72小时内向当地派出所申报;如需在流动性工具内住宿,须于24小时内向当地派出所申报; 3.已办理居留许可的常住外国人,离开常住住所到其他地方住宿,按上述规定办理住宿登记。 二、持有ZXJ-1签证的外国人,必须自入境之日起30日内到钦州市公安局出入境管理处办理外国人居留许可,外国人在居留许可有效期内可以多次出入境,无须办理签证。 三、持FLGCJ-2签证入境的外国人,可在签证有效期内在中国停留。需要延长在华停留期限的,请到钦州市公安局出入境管理处办理延期手续。 四、外国人签证信息变更(包括办理居留许可 )后,应及时到居住地派出所户籍室办理临时住宿登记变更。 五、未取得居留许可和来中国留学的外国人,不得在中国就业。 六、在钦州停留或居留的外国人应当随身携带居留证件和护照,以备查验。 七、外国人所持护照、证件如遗失或被盗(抢),请到案发地公安派出所报案,并凭案发地公安派出所出具的《报警回执》到钦州市公安局出入境管理处办理出境手续。 八、为了您的人身和财物安全,请您做好以下安全防范措施: 1.妥善保管自己的财物和重要证件,不要在公共场所暴露随身财物; 2.外出时尽量搭乘安全的交通工具(如:酒店、公司、朋友提供的交通工具或有营运资格的出租汽车); 3.路上行走时要小心保管随身携带的财物; 4.请勿从事“黄、赌、毒”,防止被色诱绑架或抢劫; 5.请勿非法套换外汇,防止被调包诈骗,甚至被盗抢; 6.如遇到危急警情,请拨打报警电话:110 九、中国政府保护外国人的合法权益。外国人在华期间必须遵守中国的法律,否则将被依法追究法律责任。 IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION FOR FOREIGNERS Welcome to Qinzhou City. For your pleasant stay and travel in China, please read the following important information attentively: 1) After your entering in China, you should complete the residential registration by these means (Demanded by the Law): a) Foreigners who reside in hotel are required to register in the hotel. b) Foreigners who reside in private houses or other places which are not hotels should register to the local police station for temporary accommodation within 24 hours after their arrival. Those who reside in country should register to the local police station for temporary accommodation within 72 hours after their arrival. And when you reside in moving instrument should register to the local police station for temporary accommodation within 24 hours after your arrival. c) Foreigners, who are holding a Residence Permit of China on their passport, staying in other temporary places in China, should do the same registration to the hotel or local police station. 2) Foreigners holding the visa category of Z, X, J-1, must go to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Qinzhou Public Security Bureau to apply for the Residence Permit within 30 days after entering the border. Foreigners holding a Residence Permit can exit and enter the country multiple times without other visa. 3) Foreigners holding the visa category of F, L, G, C, J-2 can legally stay in china during the valid date of the visa. Foreigners who wish to extend their stay, should go to the Exit and Entry Administration Division of Public Security Bureau of Qinzhou City to renew the visa. 4) Foreigners ought to renew the Temporary Accommodation Registration in the local police station after either their visa renewed or getting a Residence Permit. 5) Foreigners who have no residence working permit, included students, are forbidden to work in China. 6) Foreigners who stay or live in Qinzhou should have their passport or certificate of residence with them all the time, in case the police request them. 7) In case foreigners lose their passport should report it to the nearest local police station, and obtain a “Receipt of Case Reporting” in order to renew their visa and passport. The visa should be renewed at the Exit and Entry Administration Division of Qinzhou Public Security Bureau. 8) For your personal and belongings’ safety, please mind the following attentions: a) Take care of your belongings and important documents, do not expose them at the public area. b) Use the safe public transportation when you go out(etc: vehicles provided by hotel, firm or friends, and qualified taxi.) c) To avoid from kidnapping and robbery, do not get involve in prostitution, gambling and drugs. Do not deal with the illegal foreign exchange. If there is any emergency situation, please dial :110 for emergency call. 9) Chinese government protects the foreigners’ interest and rights. Foreigners who live in China must obey Chinese laws, otherwise they will be legally responsible for their acts.
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发表于 2011-7-29 11:38:30 | 只看该作者 | 来自广西
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